
Dec 3rd ionCube: PHP 8.4 runtime support is here!

ionCube developers announced a runtime support for PHP 8.4 with unique runtime compatibility only available in ionCube Loader. Update to the latest Loader and encode for PHP 8.2 or 8.3 to run files on PHP 8.4.

Contact Poralix today to get software versions on your Linux server updated.

Nov 11th DirectAdmin v.1.670 breaks plugins from Poralix

Some custom plugins from Poralix might stop working under DirectAdmin v.1.670 and newer. Poralix already contacted DA support, and they confirmed a new standard of storing the session data.    Directadmin developers removed critically important data from a SESSION environment. Since Poralix's plugins might rely on the SESSION data, when ... Davamını oxu »