What access will Poralix staff need?

Please make sure you provide all needed login details. For most of the tasks we need super user access via 

  • SSH, IPKVM, IPMI or virtual console and
  • admin access into hosting panel on your server.

If security settings on your server do not allow *root* to connect to SSH directly, you should provide a regular user access via SSH in the following way:

  • SSH IP
  • SSH Port
  • SSH username
  • SSH password
  • root's password (or install our RSA key per instructions from here: https://go.poralix.com/k1)


  • Address of a hosting panel with a port
  • admin username
  • admin password

Make sure that firewall on your server does not block access to SSH port and does not filter it on per IP bases. If you are not sure about your firewall settings, set it temporarily off.

A list of IPs from which we will connect to your server can be found here: https://go.poralix.com/k1


Q: Can you work on my server without root access?
A: No, we need a root access to your server.

Q: Can you work via a TeamViewer session?
A: No, we need a direct access to your server via SSH, IPKVM, IPMI or virtual console

Q: Will you explain commands you use to fix my issue?
A: No, we don't explain an usage of commands and why we used them.

Q: Is my server safe when I let you access it?
A: Yes, sure. We don't copy or transfer anything from your server. All actions are logged in server history logs, and you might read them later.

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