Response Time and Resolution Time

For support tickets during normal business days, we offer and guarantee an initial response within 12 hours, and subsequent responses and resolutions within 24 hours, per ticket. However, our average response time is within 1 hour, and our average resolution time is within 3 hours. Depending on the complexity of the issue, if a ticket requires more time, we will inform you of this within the time-frame and update you throughout the process.

Tickets are reviewed in the order they are received, and answered consecutively.

Response and Resolution time count starts from the moment the ticket is opened in our Client Login area.

When a new ticket is opened while another ticket is already opened and unresolved, the Response and Resolution time count for the new ticket starts from the moment that the previous ticket was resolved. Our Response and Resolution time guarantees apply to the first 1 ticket per 24 hours, or the first 15 tickets per 30 days, or the first 30 replies per 30 days, whichever comes first, and additional tickets are not covered under our Response and Resolution time guarantees.

A "response" means that a technician has read the ticket, assigned it to the most appropriate technician to handle your specific problem, and responded stating that the ticket resolution process has started.

A "resolution" means that a technician has resolved the problem in the ticket.

You will see some tickets responded to and resolved within minutes, and others within hours. Nevertheless, we only offer and guarantee that an initial response will be received within 12 hours, and subsequent responses and resolutions will be received within 24 hours. Therefore, for example, whether you receive a response in 1 minute, and a resolution in 23 hours, it is still within our offered and guaranteed response and resolutions times. In certain instances, if you report a problem that is erratic or requires more time than our response/resolution time to debug, we will inform you of this within our response/resolution time.

Full text can be found by the link.

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