Users migration and monthly support

Some monthly packages from Poralix include a "Users Migration" service.

The service becomes available since the second month of an uninterruptible subscription. It might become available even earlier in case you purchase 3 and more months upfront.

It includes transferring of users accounts:

  • files/scripts/images
  • emails (pop/imap accounts)
  • databases (mysql/mariadb)

A server setup and software installation is not included here, as well as other data which is not supported by DirectAdmin (control panel).

Moving users to a server under Poralix's support

It means we can transfer users to a server under a Poralix's monthly subscription without additional fees.

Moving users from a server under Poralix's support

But if you want to move users from a server under Poralix's monthly support you might be charged an additional fee for a new server setup.

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